Thursday, June 21, 2012


I haven't posted for the past couple of days because the weather has been so awful I haven't been able to get out and shoot. Several days of 98ºF temperatures along with 100% humidity, with more on the way tomorrow. I'm hoping to get out over the weekend to visit the Photoville Festival in Brooklyn, NY. I've really wanted to try some new techniques, but even if I had braved the heat and humidity, there would have been few people about.

A few months ago my work was highlighted in Camerapixo which is an online magazine that spotlights the work of dedicated photographers from many disciplines. It's part of an exciting new presence on the internet of magazines that feature the works of photographers who have come of age during the digital era. Although I trace my roots back to the stone ages of film and rangefinder cameras, it wasn't until I began posting my images on the internet that I found my voice. Magazines such as Social Documentary, which has been publishing for some time now, and the new Auto de Fe magazine, which will be available later this month, pay homage to the long tradition of photography as a visual tool for social action by using the internet as a platform to give voice to those of us who seek to document our society through photographs. I'm hoping to submit work to Auto de Fe in the near future.

Here's my image for today which was shot on Third Avenue before the heat wave hit us. I call him Mr. Smoke.