One of the great joys of retirement is having the time to do anything I want on a whim. On Wednesday morning I decided the last minute to head into New York to see the Gertrude and Leo Stein collection of artwork on exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I also had intended to spend some time in the new arabic wing, but the Stein exhibit was so large and when I finished with it I was so overwhelmed with all the masterpieces that I was already on overload. So many of the pieces they collected turned out to be iconic early works of the great masters like Picasso and Matisse - before they were recognized for being the great masters they were to become.
As a photographer there is so much to learn by looking at artwork other than photographs - how these geniuses created their compositions, light, and colors (or lack thereof). I was very buzzed by the time I left the museum and started my walk downtown. Sometimes I find that after I see an exhibit, I am so totally absorbed in the work that I don't look around me as I walk, and I don't take many shots. Those that I take are not satisfying. But seeing so many wonderful Picassos and Matisses left me feeling like I wanted to get out and play with the light.
I'm working to overcome the autofocus difficulties I've been having. I was given two great tips today by someone who has had the same issues, so I'll get out tomorrow to try them. For now here's a few shots from the walk down Broadway.
On the subway going uptown to the museum I sat down in front of these people, and the boy in the center just about posed for me. The detail this camera grabs is comparable to my best shots with the D700, and the tonal range is all there.
This was a quick grab shot walking out of the museum. Very typical street situation where the moment happens suddenly right in front of me and there's no time to think. Just press the shutter and pray (of course it also helps to have a few years experience).

I'm always looking in restaurant windows. This is the first time I tried a 'through the glass with reflections' shot with the X-Pro1.
I was a block from Carnegie Hall when I saw three kids with violins strapped to their backs. I'd bet they know how to get there.