Sunday, June 3, 2012

Just a fun street shot

Just walking around in the beautiful weather this past weekend. Times Square was buzzing with all kinds of people. There are so many neighborhoods to Manhattan, each with their own character and characters. New York is one of the greatest cities in the world for this kind of shooting. What I've learned of the great cities in Europe is that you'd be on shaky legal ground to do this. In the USA it's wide open. I'm thinking of starting a small business venture: workshops for small groups of people, or individuals, wanting to stretch beyond their comfort zone to do street photography.


  1. Great amusing shot. Funny position he is standing in.
    Sounds interesting with the idea about making some business about street photograhphy. I am sure some people will pay for workshop with you as guide in New York. You have the perfect background and experience for teaching street photography and know all the interesting places.
    In my local camera club, some of my clubmates are ready to pay about 300 $ for getting on a weekend in a danish photo workshop compagny and being teach in ex. wedding photography. That price of course include the stay and good food. But I am sure there is a market for street photography workshops.

  2. Main Attraction of the TSQ, the naked cowboy :)

  3. That is why someday I must see NYC.It must be a totaly different feeling walking around this big city where no one notices you.And between 8 milion citizens you must meet some interesting persons I guess!
